Gompers Transition to Employment program (TTE) supports individuals as they acquire soft job search and employment skills necessary in achieving community employment, whether supervised or fully independent.
Transition to Employment focuses on preparing individuals with developmental disabilities for community employment. In addition to the soft skills required to be able to secure and maintain employment, the program includes time out in the community to address topics such as job exploration and the use of public transportation.
Is TTE right for you?
Yes, individuals with disabilities strongly benefit from this highly individualized program. The program includes traditional classroom instruction, computer based learning and various visual and auditory learning instruction based on each individual’s needs. Instruction may include both class and one-to-one instruction.
TTE begins with an overall assessment to determine what learning modules may be beneficial for you. Each module attended is assessed individually to determine the level of comprehension and the ability to move toward successful completion of the program.
Understanding Community Employment
Individual Supported Employment (ISE) – a situation in which an individual is working in the public work force in an integrated setting, typically in the community interacting with non-disabled individuals, or is self-employed.
Group Supported Employment (GSE) – a situation in which an individual is working at on-site in a supervised work environment in a community integrated setting. In this setting, the individual has the opportunity to interact with individuals without disabilities.
What skill will you develop in this program?
- assessment of your learning style, career interests, past work experience and skill sets
- identification of your employment related likes, dislikes and interests
- enhancement of your self-determination
- development of community safety skills, positive work behaviors and tools for creating a resume
- learning how to dress for success and follow the rules
- acquiring skills on how to get along with your supervisor and co-workers
- understanding how to respond to and resolve work related conflicts
- practicing how to apply for a job and interview for success
- learning financial skills in receiving and using your paycheck and understanding how your income might impact your disability benefits
- opportunities to experience job exploration and shadowing
Important resources for your success
- use of interactive touch panel screens
- fully equipped training lab
- 10 Internet accessible computer work stations
- video conferencing capabilities
- community integrated training
- flexible needs based scheduling
- Assistive Technology Specialist to assess need for assistive technology