Gompers In-Home Services is staffed by qualified providers dedicated to providing the best possible experience for families and their members. We offer respite, habilitation, and attendant care services aimed to assist families in caring for a loved one with disabilities.
Adults with disabilities have a broad range of needs. For some, simple guidance is enough to learn valuable life skills that help them become more independent, while others may need a more extensive day to day support.
And for their loved ones, the challenges of caring for those individuals can create a strain on other aspects of everyday life. Having the support they need to go to work, have free time, and take care of other personal tasks is critical for caregivers.
Gompers’ In-Home Services include Habilitation, Respite and Attendant Care Services for children and adults with disabilities. These services increase independence while easing the strain on their caregivers. Members can utilize one specific service or a combination of all three, and each service undergoes customization based on a member’s unique needs.