A unique, member-driven device group focused on developing skills for community self-advocacy!
We are proud to introduce the creation of a one-of-a-kind community outreach group: AZ Talks Together. AZ Talks Together is a collaboration with sister agencies in the Phoenix Area which began in November 2016 with three Day Training for Adult (DTA) programs.
This member-led group consists of individuals who use some form of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) or Assistive Technology (AT) device. Members meet on a monthly basis with a shared goal: to help build relationships with other device users in the Phoenix Metro. This group is unique in that it encourages the independence of its participants by allowing only group members to dictate the vision and direction of the group. This is done with the support of trained AT Specialists and support staff.
AZ Talks Together seeks to respect each other’s strengths and needs by listening and practicing good social communication skills with each other. Looking into 2017, AZ Talks Together plans to create a YouTube channel that allows other device users to connect with others who use AAC devices. The group unites each agencies’ mission of inclusion by meeting outside of their agencies or touring each agency to get familiar with each groups’ environment. Already with fantastic success, AZ Talks Together has already added members from two more DTA agencies.
We absolutely cannot wait to see how this group progresses in the coming years!